Thigh Lifts

he size and shape of the thighs are a common source of frustration and self-consciousness. Both the inner and outer thigh areas may remain bulky or saggy despite improved diet and persistent exercise. As a result, clothing may not fit properly and physical activity may be limited. In these cases, a thigh lift, liposuction, or both, may be necessary to achieve the desired size and shape of the leg. A thigh lift may be safely combined with other body contouring procedures in some patients.
Approach to Thigh Lift
Dr. Zienowicz carefully considers each patient's shape and unique anatomy to perform a thigh lift that meets their individual aesthetic goals. Patients might have particular areas of concern, which may be treated with some combination of skin removal and liposuction to provide the best possible result.
What does a Thigh Lift do?
A thigh lift removed excess skin and fat, typically from the inner thigh, to reduce the overall width of the thigh and create a more slender, natural-appearing leg. For most patients, the procedure minimizes uncomfortable skin-on-skin chafing of the inner thigh. Some patients even achieve the coveted "thigh gap" they had always hoped to enjoy.
What is Involved in the Procedure?
Thigh lifts are performed in our state-of-the-art, private operating room under general anesthesia. The operation takes several hours, but timing may vary depending on the complexity and whether it is combined with other procedures. The extent of surgery determines whether a patient can safely go home after surgery or is admitted to the hospital overnight. Thigh lift incisions are carefully hidden around natural creases in the groin, and extend down the inner thigh. Their length is determined by the amount of skin that needs to be removed to provide the best results. Dr. Zienowicz uses the most advanced skin closure techniques and technolog to ensure the finest, most inconspicuous scar possible, is achieved.
What is the Recovery Like?
Dr. Zienowicz considers a number of factors when determining whether a patient should be admitted to the hospital overnight or can safely recover at home following surgery. Most patients can return to work after 2 weeks, and back to normal physical activity (including exercise) after 6-8 weeks. Gentle compression is maintained for 8 weeks to minimize swelling, optimize shape, and ensure the speediest recovery.
If thigh lift surgery sounds right for you, or you wish to schedule an appointment with Dr. Zienowicz at bodybyZ, please contact us at 401.453.0120 or use our online Request a Consultation form.