Non-Surgical Nose & Eyelid Treatments

odybyZ offers an incredible new look for your nose and eyelids without the minimally-invasive surgery.
Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty
Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a medical procedure in which injectable fillers – most commonly Juvederm, Vollure, Voluma or Restylane – are used to alter and shape a person’s nose without surgery. Because the nose is the anchor-feature of the face, an aesthetically-proportionate nose balances everything.
When a surgical procedure is not desired, it makes sense to consider whether filler-injections will provide the desired improvement. Dr. Zienowicz can use these fillers to improve the nasal bridge and tip, reduce the nostril size, and mask the appearance of injury or other nasal deformities.
During your non-surgical consultation, Dr. Zienowicz will take a series of photos that will then be visualized on a computer monitor in 3-D. Using sophisticated aesthetic software, Dr. Zienowicz will demonstrate the improvement you may expect.
Following your consultation, the appropriate fillers will be selected and an anesthetic crème will be applied. Following treatment, your results will also be instantaneous with minimal swelling or bruising.
Choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon is critical in obtaining the proper result for your non-surgical rhinoplasty. With years of experience understanding the nasal structure from inside out, Dr. Zienowicz expertly-grasps the unique contouring requirements to achieve an optimal outcome.
Non-Surgical Eye Lid Enhancement
Upper Eyelids
Our eyelid proportions change with time. They can droop over the eyes; causing the upper eyelids to shorten. The reduction in collagen production can create dark circles under the eyes. bodybyZ’s non-surgical eyelid lift utilizes injectable fillers to revitalize your youthful look and proportions, rejuvenate tired eyes and enhance the volume and elasticity of the skin on the whole.
In order to non-surgically lift the upper eyelids, a Botulinum toxin (Botox) is introduced into the muscles that pull down the eyebrows (corrugator supercilli muscles & orbicularis oculi muscles). This causes the brow to lift, opens the upper eyelids, and creates a more-alert and lively appearance. Dr. Zienowicz also shapes and tilts the outer brows, giving patients a look they love without the use of surgery.
Lower Eyelids
Dark circles or sunken areas of the lower eyelids may be injected with fillers. Dr. Zienowicz most commonly chooses Restylane Silk or Volbella as these fillers are most appropriate to treat the thinnest skin on the face.
To learn more about non-surgical nose and eyelid enhancement, or to schedule your own consultation with bodybyZ, call 401.453.0120. Or use our convenient online Request a Consultation form.